Dental Care: All You Need to Know About Tooth Abscess

How we look is influenced by specific body parts. One perfect example of this is our teeth, which can accentuate certain features of our face. Flashing a bright smile can make an excellent first impression on whoever we meet, but this is only if our teeth look great. Because of this, it’s recommended that you protect your teeth from certain conditions, such as tooth abscesses.

Tooth abscesses are painful infections that usually develop inside our teeth. This occurs when harmful bacteria invade our teeth and make the gums swell. A dentist can usually remove them, but treatment options differ. Root canal treatments are typically done, but there are also times when there’s no other option but to pull the tooth. Since it’s a highly complicated matter, one must know how they work, so we’ll discuss the details in this article.

More about Tooth Abscess

There are two types of tooth abscess: periapical and periodontal. The former occurs at the root’s tip, while the latter occurs in the gums around the sides of a tooth’s root.

Periapical tooth abscesses are generally caused by bacteria invading the pulp. The pulp is the innermost part of the tooth which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. If a tooth is chipped, cracked, or has a cavity, bacteria can enter, which causes swelling and inflammation at the tip of the root.

Periodontal abscesses are usually caused by gum disease. They can develop slowly or suddenly, but the risk of getting them increases if we don’t regularly brush and floss our teeth. Periodontal abscesses develop from the mouth’s gums’ infection. The infection worsens when the gums are not taken care of, and their tissue wears off. This causes the area below the gum line to become exposed to bacteria, making the gums swell.

Symptoms of Tooth Abscess

The symptoms of tooth abscess are usually the following:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food
  • Extreme pain when we bite on something
  • Inflamed gums
  • Bad breath
  • Trouble eating or chewing
  • Jaw pain
  • Swelling or bleeding around the tooth
  • Pain or discomfort when opening or closing our jaw or when moving it
  • Numbness in the tooth’s root

The symptoms of a tooth abscess usually vary depending on its type. In most cases, the gums around the tooth swell while the tooth itself keeps hurting. Sometimes, infections can make the jaw ache.

When to See a Dentist

If you suspect a tooth abscess, it’s best to see a dentist immediately. If not treated on time, a tooth abscess can spread in the gums or jaw, and this can cause serious complications.

Since tooth abscesses are caused by bacteria and other microorganisms in our mouth, they can quickly spread to other body parts. This is why getting treatment right away is essential. Some complications that can arise include sepsis, meningitis, and a heart attack.

Treatment for Tooth Abscesses

A dentist will usually start by removing the dead part of the tooth that’s causing the tooth abscess. As mentioned earlier, root canal treatment may be needed to treat the infection, but if the infection is severe, the tooth may need to be removed.

If the tooth is not removed, there’s a high chance that the infection will come back. This happens because the bacteria that caused the infection will spread around the mouth and cause more infections.

Preventive Measures

Just because tooth abscesses can be treated doesn’t mean you should wait around until it happens. Here are some ways to prevent tooth abscess:

  • Watch our diet – Sugary foods and carbohydrates tend to be damaging to our teeth. To keep your teeth healthy, avoid eating too many sweets and sugary foods.
  • Brush and floss – Brushing and flossing our teeth regularly can remove harmful bacteria that cause tooth abscesses. Make it a habit to brush at least twice daily, especially right after eating.
  • Visit the dentist – Getting regular checkups at the dentist is one way to ensure that your teeth are healthy. Your dentist can also provide advice and solutions if you have problems with your teeth.


A tooth abscess is one of the most painful dental conditions and must be treated immediately. If left untreated, this condition can spread to other parts of the body, which can cause serious complications. If you suspect a tooth abscess, make sure to visit your dentist as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for emergency dentists in Earlwood, The TLC Dentist can help you! We understand our patients’ needs, so our dental professionals will help you get comprehensive treatments to ensure your teeth’s health is maintained. Simply go to our website to book an appointment!