What to Consider before Getting Your Child Porcelain Veneers

Many people consider porcelain veneers a treatment option for certain types of adult dental problems. In reality, veneers are a possibility for children as well. While the procedure is slightly different, don’t be shocked if your child’s family dentist advises this option. Before beginning any procedure, understand more about veneers for kids and what outcomes you might expect. Here are a few pointers to consider before opting for this procedure.

Age of Your Child

There is no such thing as a youngster being too young for veneers from a technological standpoint. However, finding a dentist who would contemplate such a treatment for youngsters who do not yet have their permanent teeth would be challenging. A dental practitioner will seldom consider veneers if the child’s baby teeth are still present.

Many dentists would only accept veneers for children above the age of 14. Even so, the dentist will warn the parents that the veneers will need to be updated once or twice before the kid reaches early adulthood. Most dentists would not hesitate to recommend porcelain veneers to a young patient who is at least 16 years old.

The Nature of the Dental Problem

Although porcelain veneers can correct many different problems, they are not suitable for every situation. One of the most common requests for veneers comes from children who want a whiter smile. Unfortunately, porcelain veneers are not the best way to go in this case. Not only is white porcelain not exactly the same thing as tooth whitening, but it is also the most expensive type of porcelain.

When it comes to kids’ veneers, your dentist is more likely to suggest composite veneers. These veneers are pressed into shape and will not be as strong or durable as other porcelain types. However, they are also less expensive, making them better for children.

Other Issues

Porcelain veneers are usually very successful when it comes to creating a more beautiful smile. However, it is not right for everyone, including kids, in certain cases. For example, porcelain veneers are not recommended for children who have misaligned teeth or decayed enamel.

In addition, the process of applying porcelain veneers requires many dental visits. The dentist will have to take several impressions, which will not be very pleasant for a child. Some children might also be too young to sit still for long periods, making this process even more challenging.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Dental veneers are a very durable cosmetic dentistry surgery. The length of time they survive depends on how well you care for them and the sort of veneer you select. With proper maintenance, composite veneers can endure for 3-5 years.

If properly cared for, ceramic veneers can last considerably longer, possibly 10-20 years.

How Much Do Veneers Cost?

The cost of porcelain and composite veneers varies. The cost might vary depending on:

  • Number of veneers
  • Veneer design
  • Veneer size

It’s difficult to estimate a final cost until we design your procedure. The expense of veneers is not covered by insurance. However, financial options exist.


Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure. However, they are also a highly effective way to address several different dental complications. This procedure can be used for adults as well as for children. However, only an experienced and skilled aesthetic dentist could perform this procedure on a child.

Want to have a contagious smile? Worry no more because The TLC Dentist is here to serve you! We provide general dentistry for all ages. If you need to receive professional cosmetic dentistry at Earlwood, contact us today!